What were you doing when you had your last aha moment about your business?

It’s usually not in a vacuum. ‘Ahas’ come from different perspectives – a teaching, a shared experience, over a latte with bright and courageous conversation.
So, we think – why not do it intentionally:
Imagine, getting all your ideas – the good, the bad, the ugly – out on the table and looked at through a different lens.
Sifted down to the heart of it, to that next aha moment, so you know exactly where you need support to move (kick, slam, smash!) the needle in your business.
It’s nice to have someone recognize your genius. It’s nicer when they can help foster it into the vision, the business, the growth you’re ready to step into.
We call it a Clarity Date.
30 minutes to your new and bespoke path:
We’ll ask the questions that change everything for your business
We’ll listen to what you’re saying – and what you’re not saying
We’ll see where there are problems in your business you can transmute into opportunities
We’ll talk about changing that. Now.
If you like how we see things, we can discuss how to co-create your incredible vision together.
Want absolute clarity on the next game-changing step for your business?
Let’s chat!

“I wasn’t sure what I needed was offered by anyone: ‘Please listen to me ramble and then help me focus a thousand ideas into one cohesive vision.’ Lisa TOTALLY delivered!”
- Breanne Hull