What’s Your Natural Currency?

You have a natural currency.

It's one of the brand truths upon which your business is based.
It's actually quite easy to identify.
But hard to honour.
Because building your business around your natural currency takes guts.
And the willingness for your business not to look like everybody else’s.

So what’s your natural currency? It’s the thing you do easily, really well, that others highly value.

It might be conversation.
Or photography.
Or visual layout.
Or organizing ideas or things.

It might be writing poems.
Or stories.
Or think pieces.
Or punchy one-liners.

It might be answering questions.
Filming a rant.
Creating connections.
Or curating interesting people, places, or things.

If it’s something that others show you great appreciation for, it’s a currency. And if it doesn’t feel like hard work, it’s natural. Natural Currency.

Your natural currency should be at the heart of both the services you provide AND how you market yourself in business.

Such a simple thing to discover, but, again, not necessarily an easy thing to do.

Because it might mean that Instagram is not for you. And it might mean that the “passive income” promise of video courses aren’t for you either.

Many years ago I got real about the fact that my natural currency included being able to truly see people and reflect back what I see. And I had been on the path to putting courses at the core of my business. I made the tough decision to stay true to where my gifts aligned and where I easily and naturally resonated with people.

And it felt like I had righted the ship.

Your natural currency is one of the things that can anchor you against all of the shiny objects and “nice to haves” that everyone else is doing. It can be the thing that inspires exciting innovation in how you do things and show up for your clients and in your business.

So take some time today to ask:

  • How do I most easily and naturally create value for others? (You will have more than one. And you’re allowed to!)

  • How can I put these activities/behaviours/gifts at the very center of the services I provide?

  • How can I put these activities/behaviours/gifts at the very center of the marketing and sales activities that I do?

What pivots might be in store for you as you realign with your natural currency?

Stay true,


Mini Brand Audit: The Social Well-Being Center


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